Boa noite é mesmo desta que a Rute vai ser mãe de um bebé humano!! (o dâmaso nao valeu...)
(desculpem por as avessas :$)
sim senhora, voces fazem um casal bonito .desejo as melhores felicidades para os tres e que tudo corra bem quando o nenino tiver a nascer que seija rapido tudo de bom.xau beijos para os tres.
olha, lembrei-me de uma coisa e tive a ver que é importante, por causa do dâmaso: (tá em ingles mas se creis eu traduzo:)
Pregnant Women Should Not Clean Litter Boxes Q. Why is it dangerous for pregnant women to change the litter box? A. Pregnant women should not clean litter boxes because cats and kittens can carry an intestinal parasite called Toxoplasma. This parasite does not generally cause significant disease in felines, but it can cause birth defects in unborn human children. The organism is found in the stool of cats. Although the disease in cats is rare, it is best for pregnant women to avoid cleaning litter boxes (and gardening in areas where cats may defecate). Toxoplasma can also be found in the muscle of many animals, so eating undercooked meat is the most common source of infection in people.
olha, lembrei-me de uma coisa e tive a ver que é importante, por causa do dâmaso: (tá em ingles mas se creis eu traduzo:)
Pregnant Women Should Not Clean Litter Boxes
Q. Why is it dangerous for pregnant women to change the litter box?
A. Pregnant women should not clean litter boxes because cats and kittens can carry an intestinal parasite called Toxoplasma. This parasite does not generally cause significant disease in felines, but it can cause birth defects in unborn human children. The organism is found in the stool of cats. Although the disease in cats is rare, it is best for pregnant women to avoid cleaning litter boxes (and gardening in areas where cats may defecate).
Toxoplasma can also be found in the muscle of many animals, so eating undercooked meat is the most common source of infection in people.
É verdade sim senhor. Devias avisar a Rute, não sei se ela visita este blogue. Devias avisá-la de qualquer das formas.
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